Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Assesment Piece: Learning agreement draft submission

My Learning Agreement has been more or less finished since the end of July, I've sat with Mairi and Peter and read through it to get a bit of guidance from them as well a comparing notes with Sanccia who is now on her final report.

I have now been appointed a tutor for the duration of my placement and a draft copy of the LA has now been reviewed, amended where apporpriate and submitted.

One of the problems I've had with the LA is getting up to the wordcount quoted in the university guidelines. The only way I can explain this is at this point in time I cant further explain the methods by which my learning objectives can be achieved and as a result I am way off the targeted wordcount.

Another possible issue I might face here is learning outcome 4, design of solutions, during my time with peter pratt earlier he mentioned that I may not get to design any software packages, sanccia was only getting to do one now right at the end of her time and I would be at the mercy of the workflow at the time.

However, I am confident that there is good quality content in the agreement and to pad out the numbers would be to add unnecessary content.

Ill wait and see.

Back to work

Just returned from my stint in hospital, broken bones and skin grafts et al. No internet access in my new house and with only a teasing hint of an appointment from my new ISP, I'm delighted to be back at work.

This week has gotten off to a slow start, I have started working through tutorials and experimenting with two new technologies, they are MachII and ColdSpring, both of which are extensions to the ColdFusion development tools. So far I have been concentrating on MachII which is a Model View Controller framework for ColdFusion markup (images have been added to the evidence folder), I have read over the documentation for ColdSpring however I feel with all the reading in the world, without practical application I am not holding the information nor developing skills as much as I would like.

I spoke to Bill this morning regarding work and he has assured me that there is work there, however I also know how busy he and the team are. So with that I understand that its not easy for them to set development work aside for someone of my level to work on and be mentored on.

To date I have completed all training modules, installed and ran all the necessary software and tools I need and I am also up to date with all University assesment pieces that accompany the Work based learning module. I am now trying to learn more about about the technology and processes we use and filling my day with additional tutorials and study.

As we are only mid way through the second month I was not expecting to be carrying an in depth technical workload but I am finding it frustrating that I dont have any practical work where I can apply and develop what I'm learning, I'm also finding it more and more difficult to fill my time with relevant and usefull tasks.

Monday, 2 August 2010

Today is my last day before my stint in hospital, an utter disappointment but necessary.

However I had this in mind while studying the ColdFusion material and have written out enough of the study documents to keep myself busy over the next fortnight and keep the material fresh for my return, hopefully with some practice over while I'm away I can start be productive and make a contribution to the team when I return.

I have prepared notes on all the areas I have studied since I arrived at my placement and will be taking these with me, this includes:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • ColdFusion
By the end of today I will have covered all units in the CF material and given myself enough of the basic techniques needed to develop for the web in this placement. I genuinely cannot wait to get back to work.