Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Project: STU188 Scholarships

A new project should be starting today, this will be my first ColdFusion based project and consists of a re work of the Scholarships application which is part of the University website.

The purpose of the reworking of this service is to streamline it, the scheme currently attracts a wide number of applicants and a sizeable portion of applicants fall outwith the terms of eligibility, some are not even Edinburgh students.

We will now be offering the service through the single sign on method used here, this in turn will focus the service towards eligible user only.

Further enhancements will be applied such as a more advanced data validation process, customisation of the email acknowledgements and a redesigned database. A full task list relevant to myself is now in the STU188 evidence folder.

It is left to me obtain a copy of the existing application, this was provided by richard goode showing me where on the live system I could find it and how to set it up on my own development machine.

I am slightly nervous about this task as I feel that even with the coldfusion training material, I dont really know coldfusion.

Having looked at examples of existing applications, none of them appear to be built in the way outlined by adobe themselves.

I will follow up on this once the task has been completed.

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