Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Project: ITS042 - IS Website external event booking

This week I have been working on the IS Website, particularly the events booking section for external users.

The university has a single sign on system, I've probably mentioned this before but the concept is sign on once and your in. The system is called EASE and external users have EASE friends accounts, in this case the unique identifier is substituted for their email address.

Towards the end of STU188 I was asked to give a quote for work to be done on this section of the site, it had been built before I came here and it had failed testing. I was lucky enough to be given it as a project to fix.

To quote the project, I had to find the fault and advise the project manager what the fault was and how long it would take to fix. I gave a time scale of three days, to account for my ability and what I thought was wrong which was an incorrect table join which returned more rows than it should hence it would just throw the system off.

During one of the down periods of infinite I worked on this to tide myself over so when the time came I was ready with a solution.

I've been working on the project yesterday and today, I still have tomorrow and I now have a working website with no errors. The code I had prepared only needed a little work to make it fit in with the rest of the software, I had developed it in SQL developer and it was going into a ColdFusion project so some commentary conflicted and I tested everything three times.

Some other issues have been that this is the first time I have had to use the development server and Secure Shell to access it, the source control system Visual Source Safe was not up to date so any code I booked out to work on was out of date and didn't match the code quoted in the error messages and I was also given the wrong code package to start work on, confusing for a new guy.

This is another good project and tested my knowledge and problem solving ability, I can say I'm pleased with it.

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