I've not posted since October 15th and now is probably a good time to fill in the blanks.
At the last post I was awaiting the 3rd UNIX course and just starting the INFINITE work, I'll talk about UNIX here and do a separate posting for INFINITE.
The course itself was a another self taught affair, we were guided by a member of the universities UNIX team who had several years of commercial experience.
The focus of the 3rd module was to teach shell scripting, as I've said before regarding this I remembered a good amount from the UNIX module at Napier, most of it was similar to what was being taught here. There were possibly a larger and more complicated variety of functions being taught here, however, given that there is no deviation from the way UNIX works the fundamental operating procedures do not change and the only real difference to this module and Napier's was that we went deeper into the functions.
On the other hand at Napier we operated pretty much within the confines of that course and its assessment. Of course UNIX as a subject is huge, and both these courses put together are really only a taster of something which will probably take a sizeable chunk of a career to learn.
Within this course we wrote our own shell scripts, ran them and examined the output from them. At certain points in the class we would re visit scripts or programming methods from earlier in the day and modify files to behave differently or in a more sophisticated fashion.
We were given another book to take away, there are now three of these books all with great information in them for using unix constructs.
To sum up I can say that the three classes for this course have been great and full of extremely useful information. I don't how long it will be before I can actually use what I've been taught, I will however know the fundamentals and where to go to fill in the blanks.
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